Animated Header

Make your website standout and look great with an Animated Header.

An Animated Header is a professional animation that is displayed on the top of each page of the website.  Our animations include a series of  thought provoking, action inducing images with smooth transitions to capture your visitors attention and guide them to take action.

They are attention-grabbing and can draw potential customers to your site where they will be exposed to your products. Feature sales, deals, your company's unique points, and more with these transitional banner sliders to visually capture attention.

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Rethinking Your Social Media Strategy

Posted by Boaz Willinger on 8 January 2015
Rethinking Your Social Media Strategy
The constantly evolving nature of social makes it difficult for even the most tech savvy social butterflies to keep up. With a new platform laun...
Posted in:Social Media   Comments

Bloomtools handles traffic spike from 60 Minutes special

Posted by Boaz Willinger on 6 January 2015
Bloomtools handles traffic spike from 60 Minutes special
The Daniel Morcome Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that focuses on educating children about personal safety. It was started by the p...
Posted in:News   Comments

5 Things Every High Traffic Website is Doing

Posted by Boaz Willinger on 29 December 2014
5 Things Every High Traffic Website is Doing
Your website is extremely influential. It has your products, your services, locations, business philosophy and your contact information. It'...
Posted in:Website Performance   Comments
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