10 Signs Your Company Website Needs a Redesign
Do you have one of these types of unfortunate websites?
The Walking Dead website
Is your website a zombie just coasting along without any signs of life? The digital world changes fast with the advent of new technologies, shifts in user behaviour, and endless tools and plugins meant to optimize and improve your website. Even a stellar website design from a few years ago can quickly look antique when website design trends move so fast. Leave your website redesign for three years and it looks dusty; leave it five years and it probably needs a stake through the heart.
We're broken and we don't care website
Similar to design is functionality, the gears, links and tools that make the website work. Like your website design, web tools evolve quickly as well. Nothing is more unwelcome to a customer than eagerly engaging with your service or product, only for nothing to happen. Whether it's a broken link, a phone number out of service, or wonky programming, fix it! When something about your website is broken, your customers aren't going to stick around and wait when there's a competitor who has a perfectly working site.
The whole universe went mobile except us website
More people are consuming web content now on smart phones and tablets than on desktop computers. If your website design was completed before the mobile revolution, your mobile website probably looks and functions like an old egg-beater on a mobile device. A new mobile website, dedicated to mobile users is called for.
Nobody loves us anymore website
Your company website used to satisfy all your customers, but over time the analytics show traffic has dwindled, people stay on the website less and less, and transactions and conversions are shrinking. Even if the website looks and functions great, something is wrong and a deeper dive into the problem suggests some website redevelopment is needed. It may be time to refresh your online marketing strategy, and how you approach to your customers online.
We're pointed in a new direction, except online website
Needless to say, your business changes and evolves all the time. Your company website should reflect those changes and should have been designed to accommodate significant changes. Nothing looks worse than a brand overhaul that doesn't extend to your website. Keep your website up-to-date with your branding, services and overall brand personality. If your website can't be updated, get a website redesign. It's time to bring your website up to speed with your business!
Our competition's website is a Ferrari, we're a Honda website
You may have just redesigned your website so that it looks and functions great. However, your close competitor's website is compelling, colourful, filled with ever-changing content and runs like Triple Crown winner. Should you wait and see if sales drop off? Of course not! Get back to the drawing board now. A professional website development team will help you come up with an equally effective website design.
Wait, we'll be there in a sec, hold on, website
The increasing number of images, web tools and functions running in the background of any website means there is a lot of gigs to download. If your site isn't loading in a split second, potential customers are dropping off your conversion with every moment that passes. If you are not continually maintaining your company website ensuring speed and efficiency, your site will load slower and slower. And customers won't wait.
The rat in the maze website
Navigation strategies and links allow you to move your customers toward an eventual transaction or conversion. However, if these links and linking structure become out-dated or are not well-written to begin with, your prospects will be scrabbling around your website hunting for the metaphorical cheese. Website development will make your site less of a maze and a more enjoyable experience for your customers.
Does your website fall into any of the categories above? Its time to think about a website redesign. Bloomtools Canada can help! We're experts in all areas of website development including website design, user experience, and online marketing. Find a Bloomtools consultant near you, now.)
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