How to Run a Facebook Page Successfully
Social media for business isn't optional anymore, it's a necessity for your brand. And Facebook should be top of mind when it comes to your social media presence and deciding which platforms to take advantage of. With 2.8 billion active monthly users and 1.84 billion daily users, this social media giant is thriving with opportunity and the clear leader when it comes to market share. Contrary to popular belief, 65% of Facebook users are also under the age of 35, making it a worthwhile investment of time and advertising dollars for businesses targeting Gen Z and Millennial audiences.
3 Tips For Running a Successful Facebook Page
Now that we've covered the "why," let's talk about how to run a Facebook page successfully. First of all, it's important to note that you cannot take a "set it and forget it" approach to social media. Whether you're using it to increase brand awareness, gain more leads, or build customer relationships, when you decide to leverage a platform like Facebook, you should have a vision, a plan, and a strategy for how to meet your social media goals. Since you are busy running your business, you may choose to delegate social media efforts to someone on your internal marketing team or hire a third party to take care of it for you. Here are our 3 top tips to get you started.
Tip #1: Create a Facebook Business Page
Launching a Facebook Business Page, instead of a personal profile page for your business is the way to go. Creating a dedicated business page for your brand opens you up to content creation tools, paid promotional opportunities, analytics, and insights that only come with a Facebook Business page. When understanding how to use Facebook for business, this really is step #1, and it can be a pain to have to go back and change this later. You want to make it as easy as possible for potential customers to find your brand and engage with it by liking and following your business to receive your updates directly to their newsfeed. This way you can also keep your personal Facebook profile just that, personal.
Tip #2: Post Visual Content on Your Facebook Page
When deciding what to post on Facebook, know that visual content is likely to get the most interaction and engagement. Photos are great, but videos are even better! If you're comfortable and confident in front of the camera, Facebook Live is an amazing feature that garners tons of attention and consumer engagement on Facebook Business pages. Even if being on live video scares you a bit in the beginning, get some practice in and try to do it more often. You could be at a store opening, showing off a new product, or attending an event when you go live, and it will give your potential customers a chance to connect with you and your brand in a more personal way.
Tip #3: Create a Plan for Posting on Your Facebook Page
Since posting frequently (up to twice per day) is ideal when it comes to Facebook page marketing, it's best to sit down and develop a content calendar in advance. Content calendars are a great way to plan out your next month or so of posts and decide on your strategy regarding what you'd like to promote and when. There are also great scheduling tools available which can help you to focus on engaging with your customers on your business page every day rather than worrying about what to post. You can, of course, supplement your scheduled calendar with posts and Facebook Live sessions in between the ones schedules, but proper planning makes it a much less stressful process.
Bloomtools offers social media services ranging from strategy and content development, to advertising, tracking, and optimization.
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