Bloomtools Windsor Website Services
With every new opportunity, I embrace the challenge that each represent. I come to you with a wide variety of experience having been involved in business for over 30 years. I can offer a strong understanding in many industries; manufacturing, bookkeeping and accounting, direct sales and management, legal, insurance, business development, digital marketing, new product development and office technology. I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit and that's why I'm particularly excited about this new opportunity with Bloomtools!
The small to medium size business sector is the market that I've served throughout my career. And with the growth possible by leveraging the power of the internet, these organizations have an opportunity to compete on an entirely different scale; truly a global reach. The challenge with any small business is the frustration associated with trying to manage all of the moving parts. Many times the owner is also the operations manager, accounting department, human resources, sales person, and if there's time, the marketing manager as well. Recognizing this challenge is what attracted me to the Bloomtools solution.
Bloomtools brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table to help promote your business. Tapping into this network provides you with direction on implementing strategies to leverage Search Engine Optimization, Database Marketing and Mobile Friendly Websites. Easily executing E-mail Marketing Campaigns and Social Media updates will deliver you more leads, in less time, freeing up more time for you to focus on running your business.
I look forward to having the opportunity of meeting with you to discuss how my personal experience, combined with the strength of the Bloomtools solution can optimize your web presence and help grow your business.