Online Knowledge Base

Give your clients easy access to important information and cut down your administration time with a searchable knowledge base of commonly asked questions on your website.

In any business there are a range of common questions that your clients will want to ask you.  If you have to speak to each and every client that calls up with one of these common questions, it can take a huge amount of time out of your day.  Minimise your workload by making this information available in a knowledge base on your website.
A knowlege base is basically a collection of pages within your site that cover things like frequently asked questions and product guides for clients, so they can log in and search for the information they need.  A knowledge base can even be used internally - keep your policies, style guides, templates and important documents in the one place where staff can easily view and download them.

What your business can do with a knowledge base system

  • Reduce customer support
  • Share knowledge
  • Cut staff training costs
  • Save time and money

Knowledge Base Software Features

  • Complete web based help system
  • Categorise information into a sophisticated hierachy
  • Users can rate information in the knowledge base
  • Knowledge base is easily searchable
  • Password protect a knowledgebase area by a group in the database marketing
  • Limit users to categories such as 'Sales', 'HR' or 'Clients Area'
  • Articles suggest other articles the reader may be interested in

How do our clients use our Knowledge Base Software?

Because of the flexibility of the knowledge base software, you're able to tailor the categories and content organization in a way that makes sense for your business. Some examples of how we've been able to help clients set up their knowledge bases include:

  • Online Franchising Manuals
  • E-Learning Portals
  • Online Support Area for Products
  • Internal Staff Knowledge Bases
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